Software development

Joint Comment to FHAs Defect Taxonomy of the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook

Second, taxonomies allow us to make crucial distinctions between similarly appearing defects, but whose mechanics and thus remedies may be quite different. Examples include a wrinkle oriented at an angle means something (roller, web etc.) is ‘crooked,’ while the root cause mechanics for a wrinkle oriented in the MD may have width related mechanics. The …

Joint Comment to FHAs Defect Taxonomy of the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook Leer más »

What is a Technology Roadmap? IT Roadmap Guide

Assess your network infrastructure through risk assessments, IT audits, social engineering testing, continuous policy review, etc., to determine its scope and veracity. According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report, 28% of data breaches involved small businesses. So, any company that creates, stores, and/or manages customer data online would benefit greatly from a cyber …

What is a Technology Roadmap? IT Roadmap Guide Leer más »

Complete guide to web development with Java

Content What Java framework can Aimprosoft advise for your project? Java Technologies for Web Applications What exactly is Java? Our Java programming service specialities Java Cases when migration from one framework to another is a must The Great Java Frameworks This Java tool is so valuable that it can support you to form full-fledged and …

Complete guide to web development with Java Leer más »

8 Tips for Building a High-Performing Remote Team

Content Establish a virtual social meeting point Gather feedback regularly How to Set Up Your Remote Distributed Team: Days 1 – 7 Establish Goals and Expectations Early Creating a Healthy Company Culture #8 Create Well-Documented Processes things every leader needs when managing remote teams Remote management becomes more complicated when teams are spread across time …

8 Tips for Building a High-Performing Remote Team Leer más »

8 most important roles in software development team structure

Content Types of Development Teams The type and complexity of your project User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designers Tech lead QA engineer Front-end Developer They enable business owners to formulate business goals by conducting market research. They help them in specifying the business requirements during the foundation stage of the software development project …

8 most important roles in software development team structure Leer más »